October Special - Green BSN
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October Special

03.10.2016 - 17.10.2016
This October is marked by new products in Green product line, by a big Green seminar, by learning, socializing and network expansion.
Dear friends,

All active associates who by October 17 register minimum two new active associates (yellow card) win a new product – Green DENT toothpaste.

Associates with the largest number of direct yellow card sign-ups win the first three prizes. Should more qualify with the identical number of sign-ups the tiebreaker would be the number of personal points at that moment.

3rd prize

Gift ticket for next big seminar on Zlatibor, in February 2017, half fare for a two-day seminar.

2nd prize

Gift ticket for next big seminar on Zlatibor, in February 2017, full fare for two days.

1st prize

Gift ticket for next big seminar on Zlatibor, in February 2017, full fare for three days.

  • This special offer lasts until October 17, 2016.
  • Competition is open to all old and new active associates (yellow card).
  • Three associates with most yellow card sign-ups are eligible for the main prizes.
  • If there are the same number of sign-ups competing for the one of the main prizes, the associate with more personal points has precedence.