March Special - Green BSN
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March Special

01.03.2019 - 31.03.2019


In this phenomenal March special, take away new products:

[ucaddon_icon_image_content_box box_title=”Green Detox” box_image=”3829″ box_icon=”fa fa-star-o” box_content=”c2NlbnRlZCUyMGJhdGglMjBzYWx0″ button_label=”50 pts” button_url=”” box_color=”#a9ca02″ uc_fonts_data=”JTdCJTdE”]
At 50 pts, win a Detox salt 400g

– cleanses the skin
– induces secretion of toxins from the body
– regulates metabolism
– relieves water retention in connective tissue
– relieves muscle inflammation
– increases circulation
– 400 g

[ucaddon_icon_image_content_box box_title=”Peeling shower gel” box_image=”3830″ box_icon=”fa fa-star-o” box_content=”aW4lMjB0aGUlMjBuZXclMjBtb3JlJTIwcHJhY3RpY2FsJTIwcGFja2FnaW5n” button_label=”100 pts” button_url=”” box_color=”#4eb4ba” uc_fonts_data=”JTdCJTdE”]
At 100 pts, win a Peeling Shower Gel

– removes the surface extinct layer of skin cells
– hydrates and soothes the skin
– protects against UV radiation
– invigorates and nourishes the skin
– new more convenient packaging
– more concentrated content
– 225 ml

  1. This promotion is valid until the end of March.
  2. Open to all Active Green Associates (yellow cards).
  3. For gift products, points are not recorded.
  4. Gifts will be distributed immediately after the realization of the campaign.