Annual seminar - Green BSN
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Annual seminar

07.11.2015 - 08.11.2015
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Annual Green seminar

Our life is like a journey. Everything changes when we go and nothing is the same. So, what are we closer to the goal, that’s the image we different!

These are the thoughts of Arthur Schopenhauer, and we will give answers to all questions: How to gather our courage and strength to embark on an adventure of independent work and to persevere. That’s why we are organizing the

Two day seminar

Date: Saturday and Sunday 07 and 08 November 2015 Place: The ethno village Stanisic – Bijeljina – Bosnia and Herzegovina The first service 07 November: Last lunch service November 08: Lunch.

Included in the price is accommodation with full board and lunch, conference materials, lectures, Introduction of the new collection GREEN !!! The price for accommodation and seminar is 55 €


Bookings are closed for this event.